Do More | Abiola A. Akingbemisilu

You have the capability to multiply that which is in your hand, JUST DO MORE - Abiola Akingbemisilu

We need to do more than what we are doing presently in order to achieve what we desired to be. We need to do More if we want more. At every phase of your life my dear listeners please you have to do more.

1. Do more than existing, "Live". Some people are busy counting years without something meaningful added to their life. When you exist you are a liability but when you live you are an asset.

2. Do more that hear but listen.

3. Do more than agree but cooperate.

4. Do more than grow but bloom. Let your growth be with a lot of radiants.

5. Do more than talk, communicate. Don't just talk get the corresponding feedback.

6. Do more than forgive but forget. When you do not forget the past begin to harm the future.

7. Do more than thinking but Plan.

8. Do more than reading but apply.

9. Do more than add but multiply. You have the capability to multiply whatever in your hands. Just continue to do more....

We want to sincerely appreciate all our dear listeners for listening to us weekly, we promise to keep this program much more inspirational. Do you need past episodes of mind Tonic? Please call, text or chat us on the following numbers, 08034663016 , 08131686919. Abiola Akingbemisilu Ph.D
Do More | Abiola A. Akingbemisilu Do More | Abiola A. Akingbemisilu Reviewed by Francis Adebayo Adeapin on 07:10 Rating: 5

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