Living with Purpose - Francis ADEAPIN

Living with purpose would enable you to actualise your dreams and fulfill life ambitions.- Francis ADEAPIN

It is not enough to exist in the surface of the earth, its best to live. Death is the antonym of living. This implies that some people are only existing but they're not living.

Conversely, Purpose means the act of intending to do something, it means resolution, it means determination.

Someone once said that "The graveyard is the richest place on earth, because in it lies buried many gifts, talents, untapped ideas and unquantifiable capabilities". To me this assertion is somewhat true, because many people have died and some are dying while still loaded with great ideas, treasures, unused potentials and energy.

To live a life of purpose, it is expedient to obey the admonition of the Holy Scripture that says " Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, don't with thy might, for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, wither thou goest".

My dear esteem listeners, from today don't just exist, dont just live, you have to live a life tagged "a purpose driven life".

1. You are a creation of the Creator, the designer of the Heavens and the Earth. You are embodiment of lots of Glory, talents, gifts and massive potentials. You really have an identity.

2. Do not see yourself as ordinary, know that you are important.

3. A life of purpose is a life of IMPACT. Please create impact wherever you may find yourself.

4. Set Priorities, doing a lot of things may make you drift away from your purpose in life.

5. Follow your passion.

6. Feel content.

7. Make a Difference

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Living with Purpose - Francis ADEAPIN Living with Purpose - Francis ADEAPIN Reviewed by Francis Adebayo Adeapin on 03:32 Rating: 5

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